Make your dreams come true with a Standard Bank personal loan. It could be a dream to make a few upgrades to your lifestyle, a holiday experience or buy a few electronics, whatever your need is a loan from Standard Bank will meet those needs. What you use the loan for is not limited to the dreams mentioned above as it is up to you what you can use the loan for.
You can get a Standard Bank personal loan up to a maximum of R300 000 with flexible repayment terms between 12 months and 72 months.
The advantage of getting the Standard Bank personal loan is that you get the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you are dealing with a big bank. Standard Bank has a 151 year history in South Africa. The bank has established itself as one of the biggest financial services and credit providers in the country.
Other benefits that come with this loan include getting competitive interest rates. No early termination fees are incurred if you pay off the loan earlier.
You also get a credit protection plan which will settle the outstanding amount in the event of your disability or death.
We also say yes to the Standard Bank personal loan as you get fixed minimum monthly repayments. As your monthly repayments are fixed it helps you to better budget for your funds.
After you pay 15% of the loan you can extend it without applying again. There is a slider on the Standard Bank website which will help you have an idea of the interest you will get charged for the loan you wish to take and what the monthly repayments will be.
Once your application is approved funds are paid straight into your account.
Requirements To Apply For Standard Bank Personal Loan
- You must be 18 years or older
- Your ID book
- You must be a South African citizen or permanent resident (non citizens must have a valid passport and permit)
- Latest payslip
- Proof of residence
- 3 months bank statements if you are a new customer
The application process is hassle-free and easy. Application can be done online by completing the online application form. If you wish to apply at a branch you can also do this by visiting your nearest Standard Bank branch.
Standard Bank Personal Loan contact Details
Telephone: 0860 123 000