Speedy loans are your solution when you are looking for a fast loan. At Speedy Loans they realize that when you are in need of a loan it is imperative that you get that extra cash in the shortest possible time. They will take your needs into consideration and help you get the finance you need. Personal loans are available from R1 000 up to R200 000 with repayment terms of up to 60 months. How much is approved will depend on your affordability and credit record.
Those that are blacklisted are welcome to apply for a personal loan at Speedy Loans. Their aim is to provide affordable loans to all South Africans. You needs are taken into consideration and they will offer you a flexible credit solution that gives you the cash that you need when you need it the most. Once you loan application is approved how you use the funds is up to you. Some of the things you could use your loan for include paying for medical expenses, school fees or paying for a vacation.
Speedy Loans lenders are all registered with the National Credit Regulator and operate within the guidelines of the National Credit Act. They are committed to responsible lending and will not approve a loan that you cannot afford. They believe in transparency and there are no hidden costs. They have more than 22 years in the financial services industry and have assisted many South Africans including blacklisted ones over the years. When apply for a personal loan they will make sure they give you the best loan available with competitive interest rates.
Requirements To Apply For Personal Loan From Speedy Loans
- You must be 18 years or older
- A valid ID
- 3 months bank statements
- Latest Payslip
- Proof of residence
Application is done online. For more information you can contact Speedy Loans using the details below.
Speedy Loans Contact Details
Website: www.speedyloans.co.za
Telephone: 074 123 8235
E-mail: finance@financeturtle.co.za