Mr Loan Payday loans will improve your cash flow when you are in need of extra cash. At Mr Loan they focus on assisting those with a financial need and they understand the pressure that comes with needing some extra cash. For this reason they provide fast online loans in a simple and easy process. You can apply for Mr Loan Payday loans from R500 to R4 000 with a maximum of up to 37 days to repay. These loans are payday loans which mean you are expected to pay the full loan amount on your next payday. How much is approved will depend on your individual credit record.
When you want to apply for Mr Loan Payday loans you can make an informative decision by making use of the sliders on their website. You can use the sliders to select the amount you wish to borrow and the period and the slider will give you an estimate of your interest and fees including the total amount you will have to repay. If you are happy with the breakdown you can then proceed with your application online.
If you are blacklisted unfortunately you cannot apply for a loan. You are advised to take a loan amount that you know you can afford to pay in full on your next payday. When you take your loan how you use the funds is entirely up to you as long you payback on the agreed date. Mr Loan Payday loans are worth taking if you have minor expenses such as school fees, medical expenses and just normal day to day living expenses that need to be settled immediately. It is however very important that you pay your loan in time as this will affect your credit record.
Requirements To Apply For Mr Loan Payday Loans
- You need to be a South African citizen with a South African ID
- You must be 18 years or older
- You need to have your own bank account in which your salary is deposited
- Your latest payslip
- 3 months bank statements
- Proof of residence
- You must be permanently employed for at least 6 months
- You need to have a valid e-mail address and cellphone number which will be used by Mr Loan to give you status updates on you loan application
For more information and to apply for a loan you can contact Mr Loan using the details listed below.
Mr Loan Payday Loans Contact Details
Telephone: 086 100 8256
Fax: 086 603 8726