Mr Cash Loans – Are you having difficulties in getting loans approved? If this is the case Mr Cash Loans is here to assist you get fast approval whilst giving you excellent service. At Mr Cash loans they offer loans, cash loans, personal loans, online loans and easy loans. Whatever your needs are they will take them into consideration and offer you a solution that meets your needs.
Loans available are from R3 000 up to R200 000 with flexible repayment periods of 3 months up to 60 months.
All loan products from Mr Cash loans are unsecured which mean they you don’t need to put up any collateral in order to obtain a loan. As no security is taken from you how much will be approved will all depend on the affordability assessment which will be done to see if you can afford to pay the loan instalments. At Mr Cash loans they are committed to responsible lending and will not approve a loan that you cannot afford.
The interest rate will depend on the loan amount, loan term and credit profile of the applicant.
It usually takes 24 up to 48 hours from approval for funds to be available in your account. Once your Mr Cash loan application is approved how you use the money and when is entirely up to you. Approval of online loans is usually done quickly and in most cases between 1 and 2 days. Online application also gives you the benefit of doing your loan application from the comfort of your house or office.
Requirements To Apply For Mr Cash Loans Products
- You must be between the ages of 18 and 60
- A clear copy of your ID book
- You must be permanently employed for more than 6 months at the same company
- A net monthly salary of more than R5 000
- 3 months bank statements
- Latest payslip
Application for a loan can be done online. For more information and application you can contact Mr Cash loans using the details listed below.
Mr Cash Loans Contact Details
Telephone: 087 822 1779