Mpowa Finance Loans are ideal for you if you are in urgent need of extra cash that you need the same day. They understand that when people are in need of a personal loan they will need it urgently. Mpowa finance is all about forming relationships with clients and trying to meet their needs. All successful applications for Mpowa Finance loans that are submitted by 3pm will have cash in their account by 5pm the same day.
Personal loans on offer range from R500 to R2 500 and payable within a month. Mpowa Finance loans are payday loans which mean you are expected to repay your loan on your next pay day.
Payday loans from Mpowa are fast and they offer you convenience of online application. This means you can apply for a personal loan from the comfort of your home or office.
These loans are ideal for people who are in need of some extra cash to settle minor expenses that cannot wait until your next pay day.
The rates provided by Mpowa Finance are competitive are amongst the best and lowest in the industry. Mpowa Finance loans are provided within the guidelines of the National Credit Act which gives you peace of mind knowing that everything is regulated.
Application for a personal loan is all done online in 3 steps that are easy to follow. The first step involves you completing the online application, creating an account and a loan contract being e-mailed to you. On the second step you are required to upload 3 months bank statements and signing online. The third and last step Mpowa Finance will call you for a voice recording of your contract details.
If your application is submitted and approved before 3pm cash will then hit your account by 5pm. If you wish to apply for another loan after paying off your first loan you are welcome. Those that are blacklisted can also apply for personal loans as long as they are not under administration or debt review.
Requirements To Apply For Mpowa Finance Loans
- You must be 18 years or older
- Valid ID
- 3 months banks statements
- You must be working at the same employer for at least 3 months
For more information and to apply for a personal loan you can contact Mpowa Finance using the details listed below.
Mpowa Finance Loans Contact Details
Telephone: 0861 228 228
Fax: 0866 893 708
SMS: 083 736 0165