Get Low Budget Loans to assist you when you are faced with an emergency. Let’s face it your life could come to a standstill when you need some extra cash urgently. With Low Budget loans this does not have to be the case as they provide you with a lifeline when you need it most.
Loans on offer range from R500 to R3 000 with repayment options from 3 to 6 months.
Low Budget loans has been in business from 2004 and have gained experience in the financial services industry over the years. You can be guaranteed of excellent service when you apply for a loan. Over the years they have provided loan to thousands of salary earners.
They are registered with the National Credit Regulator in South Africa. They have a core focus to provide simplistic solutions which offer convenience to clients.
When you apply for a loan from Low Budget loans they will do a credit check on you as this is a legal requirement. If you have a bad credit record or under debt counselling they will not be able to assist you.
On their website you can make use of the slider available which helps you to calculate the interest and monthly instalment you have to pay for different loan amounts.
Requirements To Apply For Low Budget Loans
- You must be 18 years or older
- South African ID
- You should have a good credit record
To apply for a loan there is no need to visit a branch as applications are done via telephone, fax, email, or online via the website.
Low Budget Loans contact Details
Telephone: 0861 073 072