Loan Shop payday loans are the ultimate loans to apply for if you are looking for a quick payday loan. These loans are ideal when you find yourself in a situation where you are in need of some extra cash and your payday is still far. The good news is that you don’t have to wait for your payday to get the extra cash but you can get a payday loan to meet your expenses and pay for your loan in full on your pay day.
Loan Shop payday loans are available from R500 up to R2 500. The full amount is payable on your next pay day.
You can use Loan Shop as they are quick in processing applications. They use the latest technology to make sure you get an answer immediately.
The application process is all done online which give you the convenience of applying from the comfort of your office or home. It also saves you on time usually spent at branches in queues. With everything being processed electronically it means no paperwork is involved. If you wish you may visit their branch situated in Pretoria.
When you apply for Loan Shop Payday loans your affordability is assessed. As Loan Shop is a responsible lender they will only approve a loan that you can afford. They are registered with the National Credit Regulator and they comply fully with the National Credit Act and its regulations.
They have assisted many South African with short term solutions and are also in a position to assist you with your short term credit requirements. Over the years they have gained valuable experience and you can be assured of good customer service.
Requirements To Apply For Loan Shop Payday Loans
- You must be 18 years or older
- A valid ID
- Latest Payslip
- 3 months bank statements
To apply for a loan visit their website and complete their short application form and upload supporting documentation. You will have an outcome in minutes.
Loan Shop Payday Loans Contact Details
Telephone 012 440 9111
Fax: 012 440 5777