If you are experiencing cash flow problems and need some funds to take you to the next pay day Express Finance Loans could be what you are looking for. Express Finance provides payday loans of up to R8 000 to help individuals alleviate cash flow challenges.
First time users can only apply for a maximum amount of R3 000. In addition the amount of R8 000 is available to second time applicants. The maximum period you can borrow the funds for is 34 days.
It could be unexpected expenses such as medical expenses, car repairs or just day to day living expenses that you need to settle. Whatever your expenses are you can apply for Express Finance loans. How you use your loan is entirely up to you.
The application process for Express Finance loans is very simple.
You are advised to make use of the slider on the homepage of their website. It will help you get an idea of how much the loan you wish to apply for will cost. The slider allows you to select the amount you wish to borrow and how long you want to borrow it for. After filling in these details the slider will give you the fee breakdown. Giving you the amount you are expected to pay including the interest and initiation and admin fees. If you are happy with the amounts you may then create an account and submit an application by following the onscreen prompts.
If you are a first time applicant for Express Finance loans you will get 40% discount on initiation fees and service fees. Government employees also get special discounts when they apply for loans.
There is good news for those wishing to borrow more than R8 000. You can take out more than one loan at the same time all dependent on your affordability.
Express Finance is committed to responsible lending and will not approve a loan that you cannot afford. The banks that Express Finance is able to debit are Absa, Capitec, FNB, Nedbank and Standard Bank.
Requirements To Apply For Express Finance Loans
- You must be 18 years or older
- A Valid ID
- 3 months bank statements
- You must have been employed permanently for 12 months
- Proof of residence
- Minimum net salary of R10 000
Application for Express Finance loans is all done online. To apply visit their website and create an account and follow the onscreen prompts.
Express Finance Loans Contact Details
For more information on Express Finance loans you can visit their website www.expressfinance.co.za or call them on 031 463 3602 / 031 701 0024. You can also send an email to applications@expressfinance.co.za and they will assist you with any questions you might have.