Get a Capitec Bank Loan to cover unforeseen expenses. You could be faced with unexpected expenses such as medical expenses, school fees or car repairs. Credit solutions from Capitec come in two forms where you can either have a Credit Facility in place or you can apply for a loan. For a Credit Facility you can get up to R5 000 to cover unexpected expenses and this is repayable in full each month. For loans you can apply for an amount of up to R250 000 in cash over 1 to 84 months. How much you qualify for on both solutions depends on your affordability and credit record.
The Credit Facility is ideal for covering your daily needs. With this Capitec Bank loan you don’t have to stress about how you are going to cover unplanned expenses as the facility will already be in place. Money will be available immediately and you can do card payments or get cash at an ATM or supermarket tills. This facility is easy to use and you can even use your cell phone to transfer money into your account. If you have this facility in place always remember that the full amount is repayable each month.
For bigger expenses you can apply for a bigger Capitec Bank loan. Others apply for such a loan as a debt consolidation method for easier payments. This involves taking a Capitec Bank loan to pay out all existing debt and only having to pay Capitec each month. Some of the benefits of loans from Capitec include immediate access to funds after approval. Fixed monthly payments also assist you with better budgeting. You also get affordable credit insurance including death and retrenchment cover. Depending on your affordability and credit profile funds will be available immediately in your account after approval.
Requirements To Qualify For A Capitec Bank Loan
- You must be 18 years or older
- A Valid ID
- Latest 3 months bank statement and payslip
- Proof of residence
- You must be employed full-time
- You must earn a salary and not just commission
- You must be with current employer for more than 2 months
- You must not be under debt review or administration
Application can be done in one of three ways. You can submit an application in a process easy to follow and they will contact you to discuss your application. The benefits of applying online are that you save yourself time usually spent in queues at branches and you can apply from the comfort of your office or home. The second way of applying for a Capitec Bank loan is by visiting your nearest branch. The third way is by sending an SMS of your ID number to 30605 and they will get back to you.
Capitec Bank Loan Contact Details
Telephone: 0860 10 20 43