Applying for Capfin loans is the smart choice when you need some quick cash. Getting a loan is so easy! You can apply for a loan of up to R50 000 at PEP or Ackermans. How much is approved will depend on your credit profile and affordability. Your loan will be paid out within 48 hours of approval.
Since Capfin loans are applied for from PEP and Ackerman stores it means you can apply from anywhere in the country. This is because PEP and Ackermans have over 2700 stores nationwide. You also get to enjoy not having to go to a bank for a loan. Essentially this is what they believe at Capfin that their way is better than the bank way.
Other benefits include better opening hours, shorter queues and friendly service. Capfin will assist you throughout the loan application process and their consultants speak all 11 official languages.
Requirements To Apply For Capfin Loans
- You must be 18 years or older
- Valid SA ID book
- 3 Months bank statements and latest payslip
- You must be permanently employed
- Valid cellphone number
- Valid SA Bank account
Ways To Provide Capfin With You proof Of Income
The following are all ways you can use to provide Capfin with your pfroof of income when you are applying for Capfin Loans:
- Scan your 3 most recent bank statements and latest payslip along with your SA ID at any PEP or Ackermans store, nationwide
- Upload your latest proof of income via on your phone by taking a photo of each page, or using CapfinDirect from any device
- Email your latest proof of income to, with your SA ID number in the subject
- Fax your latest proof of income to 0866880000 with your SA ID number written on it
How To Apply For Capfin Loans
- Take your SA ID and 3 most recent bank statements and latest payslip to your nearest PEP or Ackermans store
- Scan your SA ID and 3 most recent bank statements and latest payslip at the tillpoint
- And Capfin will call you back to complete your application for a loan your can afford
Watch the video below and see how the whole process is fast and easy.
Capfin Loans Contact Details
Tel: 087 354 0000