If you are experiencing cash flow problems and need some funds to take you to the next pay day Express Finance Loans could be what you are looking for. Express Finance provides payday loans of up to R8 000 to help individuals alleviate cash flow challenges. First time users can only apply for a maximum amount of R3 000. In addition the amount of R8 000 is available to second time applicants. The maximum period you can borrow the funds for is 34 days. It could be unexpected expenses such as medical expenses, car repairs or just day to day…
Author: Observer
You can make driving your dream car a reality when you apply for FNB Vehicle Finance. FNB offers different finance option you can choose from depending on your individual needs. Vehicle finance from FNB will help you with understanding the in and outs of what you need to do and consider before buying a car. They will assist you every step of the way starting with the proper research. They will encourage you to do proper research of the type of motor vehicle you want and what you can afford before you enter into a deal. The National Credit Act does…
Life is full of surprises and amongst those surprises are unexpected expenses. You can be better prepared for such expenses when you apply for African Bank credit cards. These come in the form of the Silver credit card and the Gold credit card. When you are an African Bank credit card holder you enjoy the convenience of access to funds anytime you want. How much credit you qualify for depends on your credit record and affordability. Why African Bank Credit Cards You have plenty of reason to apply for African Bank credit cards including the reason that it makes you…
Life is full of surprises and amongst those surprises are unexpected expenses. You can be better prepared for such expenses when you apply for a Capitec credit card. A Capitec is the ideal one card for all your banking. You can get up to R250 000 credit limit. How much is approved will depend on your credit profile and affordability. One of the benefits is that the Capitec credit card gives you access to all your accounts. You will have access to your credit card account, transaction / savings account and all 4 savings plans. Card holders enjoy up to…
FNB Home Loans – Make your dream home become a reality when you apply for FNB Home Loans. Whether you are looking at buying, building or want to combine your home loan with a cheque account, FNB will be able to assist you. You will also be assisted if you are looking for Shari’ah Property Finance or a Foreign Choice home loan. FNB Home Loans – Buying A Home Finance This FNB Home loans product is ideal for those wishing to buy a house. You can get 100% finance with no deposit required. You are given the option of fixing…
The Diners Club is far more than a credit card. As the first card in the leisure market they aim to offer deliver bespoke offerings for your unique travel, lifestyle and entertainment needs. Why Join Diners Club Diners Club International is the third-largest payments network in the world that opens doors to 70 million active Diners Club members worldwide. Diners Club operates in over 185 countries. Their credit card is accepted by more than 30 million merchants worldwide and has access to more than 1,400 offers with partners in over 70 different countries. Whether for personal use or business, Diners…
Standard Bank Overdraft is a facility that is loaded to your current account if you are and existing customer. This facility is essential considering how life can be unpredictable. A Standard Bank Overdraft allows you to pay for unplanned expenses as you are allowed to borrow on the same account used for your daily transactions. The overdraft limit you qualify for will depend on your credit record, risk profile and affordability. Standard Bank believes in helping their clients move forward by improving their cash flow. The Standard Bank Overdraft will do exactly that as you will have a source for…
With winter here most people ask the question: Is it possible to have super skin even though its cold? This article seeks to address this very question and we encourage you to continue reading if you want to find out the answer. Feeding your skin plenty of good nutrients through a healthy diet is as essential to your skin’s condition as moisturizing from the outside. Here are five nutritional tips for keeping your skin looking healthy through winter: 1. Drink Water Our skin is made from cells requiring water to stay hydrated. Water flushes our skin cells of toxins. 2.…
Sanlam Personal Loans are administered and managed by DirectAxis, an authorized financial services provider. These personal loans from Sanlam are ideal for you whether you need money for unexpected expenses, a medical emergency or to fund a specific project. Whatever your needs are Sanlam will take them into consideration and give you a personal loan that meets those needs. You can apply for a loan from R5 000 up to R200 000 in increments of R1 000. You get flexible repayment terms that you can tailor to meet your budget from 24 months to 6 years. It is always advisable…
Mpowa Finance Loans are ideal for you if you are in urgent need of extra cash that you need the same day. They understand that when people are in need of a personal loan they will need it urgently. Mpowa finance is all about forming relationships with clients and trying to meet their needs. All successful applications for Mpowa Finance loans that are submitted by 3pm will have cash in their account by 5pm the same day. Personal loans on offer range from R500 to R2 500 and payable within a month. Mpowa Finance loans are payday loans which mean…