Absa credit cards give you access to money when you need it the most. You can make everyday purchases or cover unexpected expenses using Absa credit cards. The credit limit you will get depends on your credit record and affordability.
Absa bank offers a versatile range of Absa credit cards that cater for people with different incomes and needs. Whether you are travelling, studying or need to meet your financial and lifestyle needs Absa has a credit card solution for you.
Benefits of Absa credit cards include worldwide acceptance with full ATM functions including cash withdrawals. You can also use your credit card to shop online. Absa will give you rewards for spending using your credit card. You will also benefit from Notify where you will receive an sms or e-mail when transactions take place on your account.
ABSA Credit Cards Options
Student Credit Card
To apply for this card you have to be a registered full-time student, a valid ID and proof of residence. The monthly income requirement is R800. As a holder of this ABSA credit card you are not charged a monthly service fee and there is no transaction fee on purchases and you also get lost card protection. Holders get automatic basic travel insurance.
Transact Credit Card
You need a monthly income between R2 000 and R4 000 to apply for this credit card. To apply you must be 18 years or older and a valid ID and proof of residence are required. This is a good option for those applying for a credit card for the first time. The Transact credit card can be used for fuel purchases. Benefits include fixed monthly payments, basic travel insurance, free lost card protection and up to 57 days interest free.
Gold Credit Card
You need a monthly income between R4 000 and R25 000 to apply for this credit card. You need to 18 years or older to apply. Proof of residence and a valid ID are required. Benefits include automatic basic travel insurance, free secondary card and free monthly eStatements. As a holder of this card you also get discounted Bidvest airport lounge access in terminals within South Africa.
Affinity Credit Card
You need a monthly income of R4 000 to apply for this credit card. You need to 18 years or older to apply. Proof of residence and a valid ID are required. There is no need for an existing ABSA account to apply for this credit card. Benefits include linked garage and secondary cards. You can proudly display your chosen affinity on your card face. Some of the affinities you can choose from include Springbok rugby, Argus cycle and Radio Pulpit.
Premium Banking Credit Card
Holders of this card can access your Absa cheque and / or savings accounts using your card. This gives you the freedom to do your shopping faster. Benefits include basic travel insurance, Absa reward programme, and access to Bidvest Airport lounges.
Absa Credit Cards Contact Details
Website: www.absa.co.za
Telephone: 0861 46 2273
E-mail: contactcard@absa.co.za