The Absa Express loan is ideal for you if you are faced with an unexpected emergency or if you are just in need of some cash to cover some day to day expenses. You get instant access to cash when you need it the most.
Absa Express loan gives you access to short-term loan from R1 500 up to R8 000. The repayment periods available are 1, 3 or 6 months. The amount you qualify for will depend on your affordability which will be determined by your earnings and expenses.
It is worthwhile applying for an Absa Express loan as you can have peace of mind. This comes from knowing that you are dealing with one leading financial services and credit providers in South Africa.
Benefits include a credit protection plan. This will alleviate your family’s financial burden in the event of disability or even your death.
Repayments are done via debit order. This means you don’t have to worry about skipping payment or worry about going to a branch to make a payment.
The Absa Express loan has a roll-over ability which means you can take up another loan if the first loan is completely repaid. The benefit of this is that it means funds will be readily available when you need them as you don’t have to go through the same application process as for the first time application.
Application Requirements For ABSA Express Loan
- Valid South African ID book or Passport
- You must be 18 years or older
- Minimum monthly income of R1 500
- Bank account details of where your salary is deposited
- Proof of residence
- Proof of earning (Latest payslip and 3 months bank statements)
If you meet the application requirements and wish to apply for the Absa Express loan you can do so by visiting your nearest Absa Bank branch or submit an application online. To apply online you have to be a South African citizen or permanent resident and if you are a non-resident then you can only apply at an Absa Bank branch.
Absa Express Loan Contact Details
Tel: 0860 100 372